We currently represent a dozen taxpayers across Canada in respect of their participation in the Universal Barter Group Inc.(UBG) program. The taxpayers take the position that the UBG program is legitimate and is supported by a tax opinion and a comprehensive valuation report.  To save on costs for our clients, we are proceeding with 7 test cases, while the remaining files will be held in abeyance pending a determination of the test cases.

Tax Lawyer Milot Law CRA UBC Litigation

In order to help you learn how Milot Law can assist you in disputing the CRA assessment regarding the Universal Barter Group Program, we will hold a telephone conference on Dec 17, 2015 at 7 pm (Eastern Standard time) and on December 23, 2015 at 7 pm (Eastern Standard time).  The instructions to call our office are as follows:

(1)    If you live outside of Toronto, please call 888-345-2160 and input the access code, 6011002, following the prompt.

(2)    If you live within the Toronto area, please call 416-620-2160 and input the access code, 6011002, following the prompt.

During the telephone conference, we will answer your questions and help you make an informed decision as to how you should deal with the CRA assessment.

Please contact us at the number below

Janny Cho
Law Clerk

Tel: 416-601-1001 Ext. 175  • Fax: 416-981-7576 • jcho@milotlaw.ca

181 University Avenue, Suite 2200, Toronto, Ontario   M5H 3M7


#MilotLaw #UBG #UniversalBarterGroup